Son, You will find that as part of the fallout of sin our work is supposed to be hard. Genesis 3:19 "By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken and to dust you will return.” Often you will find that that many things will demand a lot of you and it will require hard work to get through it. One of the most satisfying things for a man is to see the fruit of his hard work. You'll never want something that you can get with ease. You need to work hard for the things that matter most to you. That includes friends and family, your girlfriend or wife, and the relationship you will have with God. They all take tons of work to produce the kind of fruit that you want. It takes constant tending to and nurturing to develop any of these relationships into something beautiful.
God provide the easiest and some times the hardest relationship to build. All he ask is that you give up yourself completely. Some times this is easy to do when there isn't much to give up and some times it's harder to do. You just have to trust him fully. He does know what's best and has the best planned for you. To be honest, it's easier to just give him your whole life and not worry about where you are going to end up because you can't get any better than knowing God has your life in his hands.
There are many other places were hard work is going to do you well. Work, Sports, School, and even your health. If you always determine that you will work your hardest on whatever you do, you will always be happy with the outcome. Sometimes you don't get what you want but if you gave all you had there is nothing else you can do and the results of that are always acceptable. There is no better reward than giving all you had and seeing the fruits of that. Always keep your head up and put your nose to the grindstone. Work hard, work smart, and have fun.Proverbs 14:23 "All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty."
Love Ya,