Tuesday, April 30, 2013

50 pieces of life

1. In Monopoly, buy the orange properties. They are the most frequently landed on properties.

2. You are what you do, not what you say. Let your actions match your words and you can always be taken at your word.

3. Don’t be afraid of pickup games. It’s the best way to learn. Competing with someone better only makes you better.

4. Never be afraid to ask out the best-looking girl in the room. You’ll be surprised how often it works and all girls deserve to be wined and dined.

5. Watch lightning storms, they are glorious displays of God's power.

6. Men and Women are equal but different. Have the same level of respect for all people.

7. Always have your friend's back. Support them no matter what.

8. Express your feelings through different outlets. Don't worry what others think.

9. Other's opinions of you hold as much weight as a cow's opinion of you. They don't matter, God's opinion is the only on that does.

10. Spend time with your family.

11. Health is important, staying fit and eating right will make life more pleasant.

12. Be a good listener. Don’t just wait your turn to talk. Seek first to understand then to be understood.

13. Know your neighborhood like the back of your hand. Sometimes the best adventures are in your own backyard.

14. When in doubt, wear a suit.

15. If you don’t know what a word means, ask. Knowledge is an important piece of life.

16. Start a band, non-profit, club, team, or anything that will give you a sense of ownership.

17. When it comes to shoveling snow, the earlier you start, the easier the job.

18. Keep your room clean. It builds healthy habits.

19. You'll naturally be rebellious and you'll learn some hard lessons because of it. A man seeks obedience, especially that of God.

20. Read a book, perform in a play, or film. Art is full of surprises.

21. Believe it or not, a museum is a great place to beat a hangover. It’s cool, quiet, and full of water fountains.

22. Dance with your partner. But don’t forget to lead.

23. Be cool to the younger kids. Reputations are built over a lifetime.

24. Order the local specialty. Taste the variety created for you.

25. Drive across the country. Don’t rush.

26. There’s nothing wrong with musical theater.

27. Don’t boo. Even the ref is somebody’s child.

28. When singing karaoke, choose a song within your range.

29. Read before bed every night. A book every two weeks is a good goal.

30. Never post a picture online you wouldn't feel comfortable showing your mother, your boss, and the dean of admissions.

31. Don’t throw sand or, when you’re older, mud.

32. Take the stairs.

33. There is never an excuse for stealing someone’s cab.

34. Choose a window seat and enjoy the view.

35. Find a good barber and pay for a good haircut.

36. Take responsibility, an excuse doesn't eliminate your duty.

37. There is always something that could use a fresh coat of paint.

38. If you make a mistake, forgive yourself and move on.

39. Have a favorite song. It doesn't have to be hip. (The best ones never are.)

40. Until you are a doctor, never answer your phone at the table. That goes for emails, texts, and tweets.

41. If you get yourself arrested, call me. It's not as bad you you think it will be.

42. Help a buddy move.

43. Don’t panic.

44. If you ignore history, it will ignore you.

45. There is rarely a need to raise your voice. At the ballgame is one exception.

46. Never hog a microphone. Less is sometimes more.

47. Keep your word. Especially the one you make to yourself.

48. Money is not evil, the love of it is. True wealth doesn't have to have 0's behind it.

49. Respect fire.

50. Find some goals and write them down. Goals force practical steps in your life to make your dreams come true.

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