Monday, December 12, 2011

Fight the Good Fight

Being a man you will often feel the need to just fight for no reason. Whether it is to fight your old man, best friends, or some guy who just looked at you funny. You'll have that itch all your life and it is actually a good thing. It's not always a good thing to fight back however. I know that doesn't make sense but I will explain it.

With the urge to fight will come the urge to win. These urges will propel you over the greatest obstacles in your life. You will come to a point when you realize what is worth fighting for and what battles are best left un-fought. Any fight that involves you standing up for any one, especially a woman, is always a fight worth fighting. The fights that involve you defending your pride are ones you don't want to fight. The fights involving pride always end in you being humbled, that's because your fighting God on that one and it's better to never put on your gloves than to be forced on your knees. Proverbs 16:18. Only you can be the judge of when you're fighting for pride or for the sake of something worth fighting for.

Some fights you get in to you will get your ass kicked but as long as you fought with all your heart there is no shame in losing, don't let anyone tell you differently. You're mom says you already know how to throw a hard punch, I'll teach you how to land a good combo. Never be afraid to stand up for what you believe in, even when everyone else is sitting down. You fight your hardest and never back down. Once you commit to something see it through until the end. You'll never regret putting all your heart into something, even if your ass does. (Your mom might get mad that I said that but I will always be honest with you).

Fighting doesn't always mean hitting someone. You can fight with your heart and never have to throw a punch. Simply by speaking out or saying no, you can put up a much stronger fight than you could with your fist. Keep your head up and never give up the fight. Stand up for what's right and let your pride fall before you do. Be a trouble-shooter and not a trouble-maker.


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